TanServ: The Accounts Receivable Expert Optimizing Your Working Capital

But it’s easier said than done. Numerous hurdles erect on the way of effective & fast AR collection, including the existing team’s bandwidth & effectiveness issues against scorching business growth, geographical expansion, and blistering growth of customer base; to say nothing of the lack of customer information accounting to this. Too many receivable accounts to shake a stick at!
Imagine a single outsourced contact point that ensures timely payments in all your ARs with complete responsibility and against all the odds. This embraces the story of TanServ - a Gurugram-based company offering comprehensive services (B2B) across the globe in the niche area of Working Capital Optimization. TanServ undertakes complete ownership of the client’s AR, which in essence means working exactly like client’s core employee to solve all the predicaments en route and strictly ensure time bound payments.
"While having shielded with multiple security layers to protect customer data, this repository makes its workflow solution work as sharp as a tack"
The Culture Makes a Difference
Accounting to the direct involvement of working capital and often critical customer data, it’s reasonably hard for any company to outsource this niche area. By infusing its field-force with a culture of integrity, responsibility, and commitment, TanServ annihilates this ‘outsider-factor’ from the equation. The in-house-made code of conduct & standards govern the way each & every employee works, and in turn aligns the company with ethos of its clients. “We ensure that the people on the ground own the delivery, just like any core employee of the client does. It then becomes the responsibility of our workforce to facilitate timely payment,” asserts Sridhar Kuchibhottlla, CEO, TanServ.
Moreover, team TanServ operates independently, which not only allows them to dedicate their complete focus on making the payment path smoother, but on the flip side gives confidence & frees time for the client’s sales & operations wing to focus on their core job – winning more customers, and in turn engendering more AR. “Being a part of the client’s body and yet functioning independently entail deep understanding of the client’s business. We invest cut-throat efforts in comprehending the way their business functions - at the outset of every relationship,” adds Aravind Gangadharan, Director, TranServ.
Knowledge Repository – the Cutting-Edge
In fact, it’s not just the client’s business that matters. The knowledge of respective industries and the payment behavior of
clients’ customers play a pivotal role in the process. With the wisdom of six years in this niche industry, TanServ today effectually leverages its deep insights into the payment behavior of many of the corporates & government entities. Manifesting a perfect example out of it, the company has channelized this priceless information into building a knowledge repository, which today is heavily leveraged to provide effective credit monitoring services to its clients. While having shielded with multiple security layers to protect customer data, this repository makes its workflow solution work as sharp as a tack. Additionally, banking on this remarkable plinth,it has also been involved in building scorecards for many of its clients who effectively use it for trade channel in particular.
"TanServ with presence in 18 cities is in the cusp of moving from pilot to full-blown services phase with many key clients on-board"
Interestingly, TanServ has taken it to a whole new level by performing advanced analytics over this extensive amount of data, which further adds to the value offered and helps its clients in proactive decision making. Back-lifted by this professional & tech-driven approach, the company has witnessed a sky-rocketing acceptability for its services among the leading organizations and reputed brands across the boundaries and multifarious verticals. Indeed, TanServ over the years has showcased multiple examples of building on that allure by being a significant part of their growth.
For instance, one of the country’s leading banking products company was experiencing the heat with their highly fragmented & extensive number of customer-branches, when they reached out to TanServ’s doors. Already delayed payments and the lack of payment-information from customers were adding to the reconciliation & cash flow issues with the client. TanServ acted post-haste by immediately setting up a dedicated team on wheels. The results were beyond the client’s expectations as the contact details of many end-customers were already available in the backend, in addition to TanServ’s experience of dealing with similar clients. The terrific results led to increased engagement levels with the client.
“Most of our clients are Fortune 500 companies and many of them have been with us for more than five years. I think the best testimony to our ability to add value is the fact that we continue catering our services to them year after year,” adjoins Aravind. Amalgamating its AR expertise with several effective supporting services ranging from Credit Monitoring, Analytics, and Statutory Documentation (including C-forms & EMD), TanServ has set new benchmarks in smoothing the cash flow by drastically reducing Days Sales Outstanding (DSO).
It’s Time to Fly Higher
Besides the technological expertise, this success has taken wholehearted team-efforts from TanServ’s 100+ employees as well as its open & learning-based culture with complete focus on delivering commitments towards clients - making it a remarkable workplace. Perceiving the need for being on the same page while performing such sophisticated tasks, the company keeps its workforce connected and highly engaged through various platforms including regular town hall & employee engagement meets, and social media platforms to acquaint them with latest industry trends, updates on taxes and much more. “We encourage our employees to freely speak their mind and ask questions, if they are not sure. This is seen as an important activity rather than coming out as ‘not-well-prepared’ in front of the customers,” adds Sridhar.
Having been consistently on a prodigious growth curve since day one, TanServ en route to the future envisions and is well-poised to write long lasting anecdotes with all its existing clients. “In the initial years, we had higher dependency on some key clients, which constituted an important learning curve in our journey. In later years, we spread revenues across almost all the clients, and that immediately made us a profit making company,” concludes the duo. Though, being a new concept and niche area, the clients often start with rendering pilot project, before launching in more locations. Today, TanServ with presence in 18 cities is in the cusp of moving from pilot to full-blown services phase with many key clients on-board. Beyond any reasonable doubt, there are ample milestones sitting tight – awaiting!
Key Management:
Sridhar Kuchibhottlla, CEO
A remarkable leader, Sridhar boasts of more than two decades of experience that spans across multiple industries, geographies and scale. Formerly, he has been a part of senior management of companies like Godrej-GE Appliances, Wipro, SBI Cards & GE Capital. His last stint with GE Capital was in the Working Capital Solutions domain, which led to the idea of TanServ.
Aravind Gangadharan, Director
Joined TanServ in 2013, Aravind has been instrumental in taking TanServ to the position where it is in today. He is a versatile individual with over 17 years of experience(B2B & B2C) and 360 degree exposure to various aspects of setting up and managing a business.
Offices: Gurugram (Headquarter) and 17 other locations
• Accounts Receivables Servicing
• Credit Monitoring
• Analytics
• Statutory Documentation
"TanServ with presence in 18 cities is in the cusp of moving from pilot to full-blown services phase with many key clients on-board"
Interestingly, TanServ has taken it to a whole new level by performing advanced analytics over this extensive amount of data, which further adds to the value offered and helps its clients in proactive decision making. Back-lifted by this professional & tech-driven approach, the company has witnessed a sky-rocketing acceptability for its services among the leading organizations and reputed brands across the boundaries and multifarious verticals. Indeed, TanServ over the years has showcased multiple examples of building on that allure by being a significant part of their growth.
For instance, one of the country’s leading banking products company was experiencing the heat with their highly fragmented & extensive number of customer-branches, when they reached out to TanServ’s doors. Already delayed payments and the lack of payment-information from customers were adding to the reconciliation & cash flow issues with the client. TanServ acted post-haste by immediately setting up a dedicated team on wheels. The results were beyond the client’s expectations as the contact details of many end-customers were already available in the backend, in addition to TanServ’s experience of dealing with similar clients. The terrific results led to increased engagement levels with the client.
“Most of our clients are Fortune 500 companies and many of them have been with us for more than five years. I think the best testimony to our ability to add value is the fact that we continue catering our services to them year after year,” adjoins Aravind. Amalgamating its AR expertise with several effective supporting services ranging from Credit Monitoring, Analytics, and Statutory Documentation (including C-forms & EMD), TanServ has set new benchmarks in smoothing the cash flow by drastically reducing Days Sales Outstanding (DSO).
It’s Time to Fly Higher
Besides the technological expertise, this success has taken wholehearted team-efforts from TanServ’s 100+ employees as well as its open & learning-based culture with complete focus on delivering commitments towards clients - making it a remarkable workplace. Perceiving the need for being on the same page while performing such sophisticated tasks, the company keeps its workforce connected and highly engaged through various platforms including regular town hall & employee engagement meets, and social media platforms to acquaint them with latest industry trends, updates on taxes and much more. “We encourage our employees to freely speak their mind and ask questions, if they are not sure. This is seen as an important activity rather than coming out as ‘not-well-prepared’ in front of the customers,” adds Sridhar.
Having been consistently on a prodigious growth curve since day one, TanServ en route to the future envisions and is well-poised to write long lasting anecdotes with all its existing clients. “In the initial years, we had higher dependency on some key clients, which constituted an important learning curve in our journey. In later years, we spread revenues across almost all the clients, and that immediately made us a profit making company,” concludes the duo. Though, being a new concept and niche area, the clients often start with rendering pilot project, before launching in more locations. Today, TanServ with presence in 18 cities is in the cusp of moving from pilot to full-blown services phase with many key clients on-board. Beyond any reasonable doubt, there are ample milestones sitting tight – awaiting!
Key Management:
Sridhar Kuchibhottlla, CEO
A remarkable leader, Sridhar boasts of more than two decades of experience that spans across multiple industries, geographies and scale. Formerly, he has been a part of senior management of companies like Godrej-GE Appliances, Wipro, SBI Cards & GE Capital. His last stint with GE Capital was in the Working Capital Solutions domain, which led to the idea of TanServ.
Aravind Gangadharan, Director
Joined TanServ in 2013, Aravind has been instrumental in taking TanServ to the position where it is in today. He is a versatile individual with over 17 years of experience(B2B & B2C) and 360 degree exposure to various aspects of setting up and managing a business.
Offices: Gurugram (Headquarter) and 17 other locations
• Accounts Receivables Servicing
• Credit Monitoring
• Analytics
• Statutory Documentation