• Top Certifier: Making Certifications Simpler, Faster & Affordable
  • Top Certifier: Making Certifications Simpler, Faster & Affordable

    Your business will eternally necessitate various certifications to stay competitive, but you don’t have to fall victim to the common pitfalls. Those run-of-the-mill consultants perching in settings resembling solicitor offices often pitch certification process on a toss, which would fall with either ‘just-pass’, or just the heavy consumption of your money & time embedded with a luxury invoice and an intricate report that explains the effort they have taken to ‘benefit’ you nothing; though, alas, having the long term benefits and turning this certification into ROI come nowhere in the picture. If your organization endures akin hassles while bringing about a steady business process and getting certified, you should be acquainted with Top Certifier (a division of Veave...


The Changing Scenario of the Indian Digital Payments Industry

Niranj Sangal, Group CEO, OMA Emirates Group

Top Certifier: Making Certifications Simpler, Faster & Affordable

Vinay Kumar, Co-Founder & Director and Vijay Boregowda, Co-Founder & Director

For BPOs, is RPA a Shot in the Arm or a Shot in the Head?

Sandeep Sehgal, Associate VP - Product Management, Newgen Software