
AI - Based Recruitment StartUp Jobiak Raises $ 2.3 Million

Thursday, 21 November 2019, 14:41 IST
By SI TeamJobiak, the creator of an AI based recruitment optimization technology start-up for search engines and social media platforms like Google and Facebook, has risen a total funding of US$ 2.3 million in a recent round of funding event led by a group of investors and entrepreneur including the likes of Jane Hirsh (former CEO/ Chairman of a major pharma), Raj Surapaneni (private equity), Joe Beard (Perot Jain PE), Rajat Gupta (Former MD McKinsey & Co) and Shafiq Lokandwala (successful HR tech entrepreneur). The founder, Venkat Janapareddy
also added $500k to the investment round.

Jobiak will use the funds to capitalize on its market leadership positions and patents by expanding on its market footprint and make key leadership team hires. The Burlington based HR tech. company which has multiple offices in India recently successfully completed a beta phase and is now ready for a full commercial launch in November 2019. The platform is designed to quickly post job-postings in Google searches and accelerate the flow of qualified candidates. Jobiak claims to offer the fastest path to posting on social media and search engines without the need of HTML coding or developer support. Jobaik’s machine learning platform has automated the entire Google for jobs into a very cost effective recruitment channel.

Jobiak is banking on the direct partnership with social media platforms and search engines to make available the benefits of its AI based recruitment optimization engine to the entire recruitment Industry. According to Jobiak owner Venkat Janapa reddy, more than 80% of the jobseekers start their job search in social media platforms and search engines. This presents a unique opportunity for Jobiak to get a hold over a significant portion of recruitment industry.