Alternate Realities About Psychological Safety At Workplace
Friday, 29 November 2019, 16:52 IST

Self image is that mental picture, which does get better with age and experience. Rather selfgrowth determines self image and it only improves as and when an individual meets the hunger pangs of his self conflicts.
A person is bound to experience humiliation, loss of pride and some times fail to conform to the standards of his own morality, during the tenure of his professional career. But that should not stop any individual from exploring his areas of work interests instead workplaces should inherit the idea of accepting and respecting its employees, irrespective of whatever the consequence might be.
Psychological safety plays a significant role at any workplace it increases work effectiveness and enables teams and organizations to learn and perform well in terms of leadership and innovation.
However, the real picture at organizations narrates a blurred representation of the relationship between employers and employees.
Modern day self-introspection and self-validation depends on how harshly one has been judged by his or her employer in the devil's room! There at times, when no choice of creativity is allowed at a workplace.
Often employees are made to follow a certain restricted pattern of
working where your inputs or suggestions don't count.
Employee attitudes are clearly important to the organizations. And this often determines job satisfaction. Data studies reveal that 20% of them agreed to be satisfied with their jobs while the other 80% expressed dissatisfaction. The other questions that followed on in the Times Jobs survey of 1,100 working professionals were:
The aftermath of job dissatisfaction leads to employee turnover, low performance and consequently the whole team of employees gets adversely affected. And in such cases teams feel threatened rather than motivated to overcome the challenges.
John Gottman's research at the University of Washington proclaims that blame and criticism, from an employer reliably escalates conflict, leading to defensiveness and eventually to disengagement. Also, there's an absence of active communication between the employer and employees, which creates distrust among individuals, thus giving birth to a very negative environment.
Slowly but steadily, times are changing. Workplaces with fair attention to psychological safety are evolving with minimum effort of employers to increase motivation and stirring up the engagement levels could not only lead to positive working environments but also better the performance of employees.
1.Is new technology contributing to job satisfaction or dissatisfaction?
•20% of them said that it contributes to job satisfaction.
•75% of them feel that it causes jobdissatisfaction.
•While the other 5% feels that technology has no impact on job satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
2.If contributing to job satisfaction, why?
•40% feel that new jobs are getting created.
•15% feel that jobs are becoming easier.
•Whereas 20% feel that mundane jobs are being taken care of.
•And the rest of the 25% stated that workplaces are becoming exciting.
3.If contributing to job dissatisfaction, why?
•50% of the employees expressed fear of job loss.
•25% feel there might be fewer jobs in future.
•10% of them witness a poor work-life balance.
•And 15% of them feel that workplaces manifest poor ethics.
4.Lack of career growth opportunities lead to job satisfaction:
•40% feel that there are not enough growth opportunities.
•30% of the employees feel that there is a lack of recognition at workplaces.
•20% of them agreed to experience a biased work environment.
•10% of them have bad relations at work.
Employee attitudes are clearly important to the organizations. And this often determines job satisfaction. Data studies reveal that 20% of them agreed to be satisfied with their jobs while the other 80% expressed dissatisfaction. The other questions that followed on in the Times Jobs survey of 1,100 working professionals were:
The aftermath of job dissatisfaction leads to employee turnover, low performance and consequently the whole team of employees gets adversely affected. And in such cases teams feel threatened rather than motivated to overcome the challenges.
John Gottman's research at the University of Washington proclaims that blame and criticism, from an employer reliably escalates conflict, leading to defensiveness and eventually to disengagement. Also, there's an absence of active communication between the employer and employees, which creates distrust among individuals, thus giving birth to a very negative environment.
Slowly but steadily, times are changing. Workplaces with fair attention to psychological safety are evolving with minimum effort of employers to increase motivation and stirring up the engagement levels could not only lead to positive working environments but also better the performance of employees.
1.Is new technology contributing to job satisfaction or dissatisfaction?
•20% of them said that it contributes to job satisfaction.
•75% of them feel that it causes jobdissatisfaction.
•While the other 5% feels that technology has no impact on job satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
2.If contributing to job satisfaction, why?
•40% feel that new jobs are getting created.
•15% feel that jobs are becoming easier.
•Whereas 20% feel that mundane jobs are being taken care of.
•And the rest of the 25% stated that workplaces are becoming exciting.
3.If contributing to job dissatisfaction, why?
•50% of the employees expressed fear of job loss.
•25% feel there might be fewer jobs in future.
•10% of them witness a poor work-life balance.
•And 15% of them feel that workplaces manifest poor ethics.
4.Lack of career growth opportunities lead to job satisfaction:
•40% feel that there are not enough growth opportunities.
•30% of the employees feel that there is a lack of recognition at workplaces.
•20% of them agreed to experience a biased work environment.
•10% of them have bad relations at work.