
Cura Physiotherapy Clinic: Revolutionizing Workplace Wellness and Holistic Health through Innovative Solutions

Dr. Supriya Antarkar Joshi, Founder, Chief Physiotherapist & Life- style Coach Ergonomist

Dr. Supriya Antarkar Joshi

Founder, Chief Physiotherapist & Life- style Coach Ergonomist

Workplace wellness programs reduce stress and healthcare costs while boosting employee satisfaction and retention. Cura Physiotherapy Clinic, led by Chief Physiotherapist Dr. Supriya Antarkar Joshi, offers ergonomic assessments and specialized physiotherapy to create healthier, more productive work environments. With expertise in workplace wellness, lifestyle coaching, and medical tourism, the clinic helps individuals and organizations achieve a healthy, sustainable life.

With over 19 years of experience and 10,000+ success stories, Cura specializes in orthopedic physiotherapy, ergonomics, and lifestyle coaching. Operating across Pune West and offering e-rehab for remote consultations, the clinic focuses on addressing stress-related issues and chronic fatigue in urban employees. Their expertise in corporate ergonomics and virtual wellness sessions ensures healthier, more productive workplaces without disrupting work routines.

“My vision was to create a supportive environment focused on physical and lifestyle health. I launched the clinic in 2007 with a passion for helping people live healthier lives. With a background in clinical and sports physiotherapy, I saw the need for a holistic approach that goes beyond treating injuries to enhance overall wellness. The goal is health, not just injury recovery”, says Dr. Supriya.

Comprehensive Wellness Solutions

Cura’s corporate wellness programs take a comprehensive approach to boost workforce productivity. They offer ‘ergonomic assessments’ to prevent injuries and improve efficiency. ‘Stress management’ workshops give employees tools to handle stress and avoid burnout. ‘Virtual lifestyle coaching’ helps develop healthier habits, leading to more energy and job satisfaction. ‘Personalized physiotherapy’ addresses specific health issues, speeding up recovery and preventing injuries. This holistic approach creates a healthier, more engaged, and effective team.

Cura offers ‘remote training’ that’s both time-saving and efficient. Employees can join quick, 30- to 60-minute sessions without disrupting their workday. This approach not only cuts costs but also extends Cura’s reach beyond Pune, making expert care accessible to more companies. Moreover, clients can stick to their treatment plans without needing to visit the clinic, effortlessly balancing their busy schedules. Cura is thrilled with how well this model works.

Cura harnesses ‘advanced technology’ to elevate its wellness programs. The clinic’s model features three virtual platforms, including a cutting-edge e-rehabilitation platform that enables online consultations and assessments for physiotherapy.

Cura offers in-person & virtual services, including lifestyle coaching, providing accessible & convenient wellness solutions for corporate clients

To make exercises easy to follow, Cura offers personalized routines in engaging formats like animations, videos, and PDFs. Additionally, with tracking tools that monitor and record progress, clients stay accountable and see real results. This tech-driven approach ensures Cura’s services are not just effective but also accessible and user-friendly.

Cura is stepping into the future by integrating AI-driven health assessments and virtual reality tools. With plans to expand through virtual consultations and tap into new regions, Cura is broadening its impact. Recent acquisitions and certifications further validate its top-tier corporate wellness programs. But Cura isn’t stopping there - it is also ramping up community engagement with offline workshops, webinars, and virtual health campaigns to combat the health risks of sedentary lifestyles. This forward-thinking approach keeps Cura at the forefront of wellness innovation.

Cura’s commitment to innovation and community wellness is paving the way for a healthier future. As it continues to expand and enhance its services, Cura remains dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in both work and life.