Shyamal Chatterjee
Especially, in India solar power is a fast developing industry. There has been a visible impact of solar energy in the Indian energy scenario during the last few years. Solar energy-based applications have benefited millions of people in Indian villages by meeting their cooking, lighting, and other energy needs in an environment friendly manner.
Ever since Galaxy Solar Energy Pvt.Ltd(GSEPL) entered the Energy sector in 2017, it has been relent lessly contributing to Central India’s progress towards the solar journey through its high class installations and efficient solar power system. Galaxy Solar has been at the fore front of delivering innovative and customized solutions.“Our objective is to lead businesses and homes into the renewable energy sector and to power India with renewable energy and make India self-reliant in the power sector,” states Shyamal Chatterjee, CEO of GSEPL.
GSEPL offers its solutions to residential, commercial, and non-profit organizations. When it comes to residential space, the company offers an affordable and lifelong solution of energy to the home appliance through the solar installation on the
rooftop or someplace where the sun rays are more. A home solar system provides enough electric energy to fulfil all the power requirements of a home.
GSEPL also installs solar panels in Commercial buildings(offices and other business organizations), which not only helps them save taxes but also reduces operational costs. By deploying GSEPL’s solar solutions, non-profit organizations can decrease the cost of operations, leaving ore funds to devote to their mission for the welfare of societies.
Galaxy also offers a wide range of services. It includes Site identification and assessment, electricity grid interconnections, optimized inhouse engineering & design, procurement strategy based on approved tier-1 suppliers and many more.
With such capabilities and robust systems, the company has success-fully incorporated 850+projects in residential, commercial and non-profit organizations. Its end-to-end solutions from installation to maintenance, powered by cost-effective and streamlined commissioning processes and superior asset management bring the power of solar to the clients.
The company is reaching new height severy year with the help of Shyamal Chatterjee, MD and CEO, and is backed by highly skilled Technical and Non-Technical teams.
Shyamal Chatterjee is a qualified Mechanical Engineer from prestigious Nagpur University and a First Generation Entrepreneur, with extensive knowledge in his field of work in Solar Power Systems, is now State Committee Chairman of “Energy Conventional & Renewable “committee of MEDC, Secretary of Bengal Solar Federation, Secretary of Mahasolar Sangathan, CEO of Carbon Green Solution Pvt. Ltd. and Aaubade Energies Pvt. Ltd. and Chairman of Galaxy Foundation which works for the Under Privilege class in India. Galaxy is committed to promotere new able energy propagation and implementation in India.
Currently, GSEPL is working on many innovative ideas. GSEPL along with the Government of India, and many Ministries of different states of India are planning to lead business and rural India into Renewable Energy Sector. GSEPL understands that developing rural India and providing power across India is important to make India Independent and self-reliant. GSEPLis also working on setup solar parks in the near future. With the company’s wide spread presence across India, the firm is now evaluating international opportunities (Switzerland and Denmark) to further widen its ambit.
GSEPL also installs solar panels in Commercial buildings(offices and other business organizations), which not only helps them save taxes but also reduces operational costs. By deploying GSEPL’s solar solutions, non-profit organizations can decrease the cost of operations, leaving ore funds to devote to their mission for the welfare of societies.
Galaxy also offers a wide range of services. It includes Site identification and assessment, electricity grid interconnections, optimized inhouse engineering & design, procurement strategy based on approved tier-1 suppliers and many more.
Our objective is to lead businesses and homes into renewable energy sector and to power India with renewable energy and make India selfreliant in power sector
With such capabilities and robust systems, the company has success-fully incorporated 850+projects in residential, commercial and non-profit organizations. Its end-to-end solutions from installation to maintenance, powered by cost-effective and streamlined commissioning processes and superior asset management bring the power of solar to the clients.
The company is reaching new height severy year with the help of Shyamal Chatterjee, MD and CEO, and is backed by highly skilled Technical and Non-Technical teams.
Shyamal Chatterjee is a qualified Mechanical Engineer from prestigious Nagpur University and a First Generation Entrepreneur, with extensive knowledge in his field of work in Solar Power Systems, is now State Committee Chairman of “Energy Conventional & Renewable “committee of MEDC, Secretary of Bengal Solar Federation, Secretary of Mahasolar Sangathan, CEO of Carbon Green Solution Pvt. Ltd. and Aaubade Energies Pvt. Ltd. and Chairman of Galaxy Foundation which works for the Under Privilege class in India. Galaxy is committed to promotere new able energy propagation and implementation in India.
Currently, GSEPL is working on many innovative ideas. GSEPL along with the Government of India, and many Ministries of different states of India are planning to lead business and rural India into Renewable Energy Sector. GSEPL understands that developing rural India and providing power across India is important to make India Independent and self-reliant. GSEPLis also working on setup solar parks in the near future. With the company’s wide spread presence across India, the firm is now evaluating international opportunities (Switzerland and Denmark) to further widen its ambit.