Kota Uma Devi
By leveraging the latest advances in collection and analysis of Big Data, RightFOLIO gives the much needed strategic advantage to businesses. The company focuses on domains that are impacted every day by fastchanging technologies. “The exponential growth in the computing power, data storage and processing abilities throw up new challenges and bring in new and dynamic players into the field. We thus choose to give a lot of importance to upskilling and reskilling of our human resources in order to stay fit in the market. That is necessary for a knowledge enterprise like ours,” speaks Kota Uma Devi.
RightFOLIO provides an array of services that include Political Analysis, Market Research, Digital Marketing & Social Media,Conferences & Corporate Communications, Brand Management and HR Consulting.
When it comes to Political Analysis, RightFOLIO has comprehensive data on each and every Assembly and Lok Sabha constituency in India, barring a few in the Northeastern states. It undertakes a comprehensive analysis of a constituency with the help of the latest tools of Data Science. On the basis of the findings of the study, it provides a complete strategic consultancy for a candidate till the polling date. In the Market Research domain, the company has a huge database of information on every state and region of the country. It has experienced data scientists who can extrapolate data collected from new online/digital platforms and supplement the insights offered by the traditional methods of analysis.
Besides, the company houses a team of experts in Digital Communication and Social Media Management who assess the current reach of a corporate, its potential target customers and propose a workable strategy to bridge the gap between the actual and the potential reach. “The crafting of the message is done to suit the various platform, different target demographics and geographics of the client. Our team is quick to respond, well prepared withholding statements and adept at crisis management,” she mentions.
What makes the company stand out in the crowd is its ability to distinguish between Causation and Correlation. “This fine distinction is often missing these days in Big Data analytics. We are able to capture the chemistry of different variables that operate in the market and share our knowledge with the clients and provide them with high-quality solutions,” asserts she.
The Journey
Since inception in 2009, RightFOLIO has had an exciting yet challenging journey. Uma Devi avers, “Our contribution to the success of our clients in the HR and Communications domains, both in the government and private sectors, is a matter of satisfaction for us. Our Opinion Polls and Election Forecasts all through and in the recently concluded elections have been accurate and served our clients well.”
The company has registered steady growth in terms of client acquisition and geographical spread. The overseas clientele has been the major growth area for us in the last two years. RightFOLIO is planning to enter the Conference space in a big way. “We are looking at opportunities in the GCC countries as well as in the Far East,” she concludes.
By leveraging the latest advances in collection and analysis of Big Data, RightFOLIO gives the much needed strategic advantage to businesses
Besides, the company houses a team of experts in Digital Communication and Social Media Management who assess the current reach of a corporate, its potential target customers and propose a workable strategy to bridge the gap between the actual and the potential reach. “The crafting of the message is done to suit the various platform, different target demographics and geographics of the client. Our team is quick to respond, well prepared withholding statements and adept at crisis management,” she mentions.
What makes the company stand out in the crowd is its ability to distinguish between Causation and Correlation. “This fine distinction is often missing these days in Big Data analytics. We are able to capture the chemistry of different variables that operate in the market and share our knowledge with the clients and provide them with high-quality solutions,” asserts she.
The Journey
Since inception in 2009, RightFOLIO has had an exciting yet challenging journey. Uma Devi avers, “Our contribution to the success of our clients in the HR and Communications domains, both in the government and private sectors, is a matter of satisfaction for us. Our Opinion Polls and Election Forecasts all through and in the recently concluded elections have been accurate and served our clients well.”
The company has registered steady growth in terms of client acquisition and geographical spread. The overseas clientele has been the major growth area for us in the last two years. RightFOLIO is planning to enter the Conference space in a big way. “We are looking at opportunities in the GCC countries as well as in the Far East,” she concludes.