Rupal Khator
Popular observation depicts that startups and SMEs, despite having quality product and services are unable to cater to the desired audiences owing to the lack of apt financial management internally. Industry veterans in the financial sector have come up with a way to make the problem of financial constraints go away and organise the startup and the SME industry and formulate similar processes as are followed inbigger corporations. Bsolutions Management Consultants was established in 2011 as a specialist Management and business consultancy firm to service the entrepreneurs and Business. Bsolutions have a dedicated pool of experts working on a variety of client assignments. It is emerging as a delivery orientated service provider, with comprehensive knowledge of a business environment and operations.
“Many startups were coming up in Ahmedabad and we observed that there is no single one stop shop for startups to avail all possible solutions. They were taking help from different sources... which they expressed but the end results were not coming. So we thought to create a platform which will be a network of professionals like CAs, Lawyers, MBAs in the finance field particularly who help entrepreneurs in the SME and the startup industry specifically to provide the related solutions”,Aashish Shah, Associate Director, Bsolutions Management Consultancy.
The Holistic Network of Services
As business owners, startups and SMEs are most likely very good at what they do. However, many small business owners find that they are not very good on day today operations for running their business. At Bsolutions Management Consultants, the management comes alongside the entrepreneurs for help and inject the much needed common sense into the business structure. “We are business management consultants specializing in implementing well proven management profitability and organizational improvements. We understand the many challenges facing businesses in today’s fast paced and competitive climate. We understand because many of our associates have owned or currently head up their own successful business organizations.
We assist our clients in cutting operational costs, reduce business risks, generate revenue from new sources, transform the company into an innovative market leader ahead of the competition and create a considerable market fo them”, states Gaurav Jain, Associate Director.
Bsolutions provides internal audit services which is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. It helps an organization to accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control,and governance processes. “Internal auditors will evaluate how well the control processes are designed by manager’s function, and therefore the extent to which managers can have reasonable assurance business objectives will be realized. The internal audit function reports to top management and normally has direct communication with the audit committee and the board of directors. Because of their expertise and knowledge of operations, internal auditors often fulfil a consulting role to top management”, says Richi Shah, Head Startup Registration.
Bsolutions’ tax department offers innovative strategies for effective tax management, tax structuring and advising on recent tax issues. The corporate taxation team helpsin setting up of the organization taking into account the impact of Transfer Pricing, through effective planning. The Indian landscape is also witnessing change, with safe harbour rules and advance pricing arrangements on the cards and MAPevolving as an alternate dispute resolution mechanism. Here B-Solutions helps for making Transfer Pricing study and see that the revenues are allocated between the group entities in an tax effective way. “Bsolutions have a well experienced tax team who dealt with Expatriate Tax, Permanent Establishment, Liaison Office, Project Office, Branch Office and Wholly Owned Subsidiary”, states Ankit Parikh, Head - Merger & Acquisitions.
Aiding business leaders to make intelligent decisions by providing unique financial advice and ensuring growth and profitability of their organization is the specialty of Bsolutions. In a scenario whereby the global economic recession is taking its toll on every industry,many businesses struggle to survive without adequate funding and support in SME’s sector. This is where the services of BSolutions management consultancy come into play as a timely help. Many industrial and business houses have already benefited from the services of their consultancy services. “Our financial restructuring team has dealt with almost every bank and institution in India. Our approach to
The Network companies consolidated revenue has risen to an amount of INR 5 Cr. in the last financial year which was only INR 25 lakh after one year of inception
Bsolutions provides internal audit services which is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. It helps an organization to accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control,and governance processes. “Internal auditors will evaluate how well the control processes are designed by manager’s function, and therefore the extent to which managers can have reasonable assurance business objectives will be realized. The internal audit function reports to top management and normally has direct communication with the audit committee and the board of directors. Because of their expertise and knowledge of operations, internal auditors often fulfil a consulting role to top management”, says Richi Shah, Head Startup Registration.
Bsolutions’ tax department offers innovative strategies for effective tax management, tax structuring and advising on recent tax issues. The corporate taxation team helpsin setting up of the organization taking into account the impact of Transfer Pricing, through effective planning. The Indian landscape is also witnessing change, with safe harbour rules and advance pricing arrangements on the cards and MAPevolving as an alternate dispute resolution mechanism. Here B-Solutions helps for making Transfer Pricing study and see that the revenues are allocated between the group entities in an tax effective way. “Bsolutions have a well experienced tax team who dealt with Expatriate Tax, Permanent Establishment, Liaison Office, Project Office, Branch Office and Wholly Owned Subsidiary”, states Ankit Parikh, Head - Merger & Acquisitions.
Aiding business leaders to make intelligent decisions by providing unique financial advice and ensuring growth and profitability of their organization is the specialty of Bsolutions. In a scenario whereby the global economic recession is taking its toll on every industry,many businesses struggle to survive without adequate funding and support in SME’s sector. This is where the services of BSolutions management consultancy come into play as a timely help. Many industrial and business houses have already benefited from the services of their consultancy services. “Our financial restructuring team has dealt with almost every bank and institution in India. Our approach to
devise a winning strategy has always met with success. Over the years we have executed various transactions for realignment of interest rates/repayments, funding/waiver of interest, one time settlements, and conversion of debt into equity/quasiequity, making sure that the deal is suitably packaged”, says Prerak Thakkar, Head Compliances.
Apart from the above services, BSolutions also specializes in business support and liasoning services, accounting and outsourcing services, wealth management services and company law and secretarial services.
The Future Ahead
Target audience for Bsolutions basically comprise startups and SMEs who have turnover less than 250 Cr and is trying to grow. “We as a firm want to create an ecosystem in India that helps young entrepreneurs and other startups to grow by implementing the control which can be observed in the bigger corporations. Our associate directors have extended experience of working with the Big 4. They bring that experience into action while working with startups and SME entrepreneurs”, states Mayank Patel Associate Director.
Additionally, the company has MNCs from Germany and Italy who have taken help on financial maintenance grounds and have a high sense of regard for their services.
Since its inception in 2011, Bsolutions has crossed considerable roads. The Network companies on solidated turnover has risen to an amount of INR 5 Cr. In the last financial year which was only INR 25 lakh after one year of inception. It has grown at a sustainable rate of 50 percent YoY. Talking about clientele, the company is currently in possession of more than 500 clients scattered across the industry in different verticals. Expressing the road ahead for the company, the management team concludes, “We are coming up with our office in Mumbai in less than two months. The future plan is to enter into capital market and private equity market by convincing venture capitalists and fund raisers internationally. We want to provide quality services within the deadline. Being part of the service industry, we want to focus more on deadlines and client values.”
Bsolution Services
•Business Consultancy
•Management Consultancy
•Tax Related and Planning Services
•Financial Services
•Business Support and Liasoning Services
•Accounting and Outsourcing Services
•Wealth Management Services
•Company Law and Secretarial Services, NCLT and SEBI Matters
Bsolutions at a Glimpse
Bsolutions Management Consultants
was established in 2011 as a specialist Management and Business consultancy firm to service the entrepreneurs and Business. Bsolutions management consultants have a dedicated pool of experts working on a variety of client assignments. We are a delivery orientated service provider, with comprehensive knowledge of a business environment and operations
Apart from the above services, BSolutions also specializes in business support and liasoning services, accounting and outsourcing services, wealth management services and company law and secretarial services.
The Future Ahead
Target audience for Bsolutions basically comprise startups and SMEs who have turnover less than 250 Cr and is trying to grow. “We as a firm want to create an ecosystem in India that helps young entrepreneurs and other startups to grow by implementing the control which can be observed in the bigger corporations. Our associate directors have extended experience of working with the Big 4. They bring that experience into action while working with startups and SME entrepreneurs”, states Mayank Patel Associate Director.
Additionally, the company has MNCs from Germany and Italy who have taken help on financial maintenance grounds and have a high sense of regard for their services.
Since its inception in 2011, Bsolutions has crossed considerable roads. The Network companies on solidated turnover has risen to an amount of INR 5 Cr. In the last financial year which was only INR 25 lakh after one year of inception. It has grown at a sustainable rate of 50 percent YoY. Talking about clientele, the company is currently in possession of more than 500 clients scattered across the industry in different verticals. Expressing the road ahead for the company, the management team concludes, “We are coming up with our office in Mumbai in less than two months. The future plan is to enter into capital market and private equity market by convincing venture capitalists and fund raisers internationally. We want to provide quality services within the deadline. Being part of the service industry, we want to focus more on deadlines and client values.”
Bsolution Services
•Business Consultancy
•Management Consultancy
•Tax Related and Planning Services
•Financial Services
•Business Support and Liasoning Services
•Accounting and Outsourcing Services
•Wealth Management Services
•Company Law and Secretarial Services, NCLT and SEBI Matters
Bsolutions at a Glimpse
Bsolutions Management Consultants
was established in 2011 as a specialist Management and Business consultancy firm to service the entrepreneurs and Business. Bsolutions management consultants have a dedicated pool of experts working on a variety of client assignments. We are a delivery orientated service provider, with comprehensive knowledge of a business environment and operations