Tarak Chakraborty
From Computerise Hydraulic Analysis, Linear Heat Detection System, Remote Controlled Monitor System and Centralised Gas
Monitor System and Centralised Gas Suppression System to Addressable Smoke Detection System, Integrated Building Management System, Wireless Manual Call Point System and Vesda System, the company offers consultancy services in various arenas. The company also provides design engineering activities for various packages like Water based Protection System, Detection & Alarm System, Chemical Based Protection System and Gas Based Protection System. As an undisputed leader in the field of Fire Engineering, Tarak Chakraborty has led a successful trajectory for the company's growth. The company has successfully effectuated some iconic project like ALTAIR, COLOMBO a 70 storied building, Goa Shipyard Mordanisation Project, Kolkata Town Hall, Kolkata Science City and others. It is at present handling the project of Milan Mela Ground at Kolkata "Being a close associate with Simplex(USA), Grinnel (UK), Ansul(UK) and Total Walther(Germany), we have introduced a number of good quality products and systems in the industry. At TTS Consultant, we carry out projects ranging from residential, commercial and industrial to hospital building, heritage buildings and shopping malls,"informs Tarak Chakraborty, Principal Consultant, TTS Consultant.
Innovation and technology being the cult of the company, TTS Cosnultants has integrated the use of latest technologies in its operation and has executed quite a good number of projects with utmost satisfaction to the customers and the end users. The consultancyfirm is backed by a team of professionals who have a wide range of experience in the field and are toiling hard every day to deliver best quality services to their clients. Keen on making a difference in the sector and adding value to the domain, TTS Consultants strives to enhance its service portfolio and never hesitates to go above and beyond in its operations while completing any project that it takes up. "We aspire to take our services to the next level. And in order to get a stronger grip over the market, the company is further planning to introduce newer technologies and embracing the use of new innovations," says Tarak, on a concluding note.
Innovation and technology being the cult of the company, TTS Cosnultants has integrated the use of latest technologies in its operation
Innovation and technology being the cult of the company, TTS Cosnultants has integrated the use of latest technologies in its operation and has executed quite a good number of projects with utmost satisfaction to the customers and the end users. The consultancyfirm is backed by a team of professionals who have a wide range of experience in the field and are toiling hard every day to deliver best quality services to their clients. Keen on making a difference in the sector and adding value to the domain, TTS Consultants strives to enhance its service portfolio and never hesitates to go above and beyond in its operations while completing any project that it takes up. "We aspire to take our services to the next level. And in order to get a stronger grip over the market, the company is further planning to introduce newer technologies and embracing the use of new innovations," says Tarak, on a concluding note.