Impact Of AI In The Sports Industry

Technology has entered all areas of human lives and has transformed everything right from scratch. Human beings have become over-dependent on technology for their daily routines and it will be difficult to go forward without the support of technology for it has taken such a dominant space in the world today. Technology itself has transitioned over time, and one of the latest discoveries is AI (Artificial Intelligence). We define Artificial Intelligence as software capable of making its own conclusions on the way of reaching a goal. In the process, AI software has to have the ability to learn, self-optimize and ideally return data output.
AI has been put into the experimental phase at various industries and has stupendously impacted whatever field it was deployed in. Considering the positive impact AI has brought to the various industries, the sports industry could never be an exception to AI. Post experiment of AI in the sports industry, it is now set to become a mainstay component. The sports industry has witnessed huge growth with AI presence and according to Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the sports market report, AI sports market is expected grow $987 Million USD by 2024 in AI sports decision as a service,$1.9 billion USD by 2024 in AI-enabled sports Analytics.
AI and the Sports industry:
After introducing AI in the sports industry, the industry has never been more competitive than it is now from a decade ago. We never imagined that a wide plethora of AI systems based on biomechanics and computational intelligence will dominate this booming industry. It has become an integral part of the sports industry and has been used at various levels. From Games analysis, Players Performance, Scouting and Players recruitment, match predictions, broadcasting, AI chatbot, fans engagement, introducing fantasy leagues, coaching and more.
Games Analysis and Players Performance:
Games analysis had been a time-
consuming process a decade earlier when coaches or pundits had to view entire match video cassettes to understand when did the team go wrong during the match or how had the opponent team excelled in the match. After introducing AI, it has delivered advanced performance analysis, whether it’s finding clips of all the winning tactics or visual analysis of every play. It gives adequate information to coaches to understand the flaws and plan better for the upcoming matches.
The same match clipping can give plenty of information on a player, like how did the player perform? How did the player react to a particular position and situation? How the opponent team has advanced the players?. Keeping this information in mind the coaches can select players for the upcoming matches.
Scouting and Players recruitment:
Since either scouting or sports directors of a team cannot watch every match of their targeted players, it had been a challenge for the team to decide on a particular player whether the player will suit the style of the team and the charisma. The emergence of AI with a lot of data science in sports has made the process very easy to help identify and recruit players who suits their style of play. The AI data also help the team understand the emotional conditions / previous records of the players.
Match Predictions and Broadcasting:
Before the match starts, the experts can predict the outcome of the match by using AI-driven data of those teams competing for the day. The matches are predicted through the team’s previous performances and most of the predictions go correct these days in such a way that AI has transformed the sports industry within a few years.
The major shareholder of the sports industries is television and online broadcast which is the most critical component of sports revenue and also the primary mode of consumption of sports entertainment. Media houses should be quick enough to curate the video content of the matches to engage their viewers, if not they have to lose their position to someone else who might do earlier. AI is helping the media houses to become more efficient and productive by curating quick video contents to be upbeat in the industry.
AI and Fantasy Leagues.
After the emergence of AI in the sports industry, the fantasy leagues have swept the market like a storm and created its own space quickly. The fantasy league has become an integral part of every sports company and its fan life and has been generating huge revenue in the sports industry. According to Orbis research, in 2018, the global Fantasy sports market size was $13900 million USD, and it is expected to grow to reach $33200 million USD by 2025.
AI chatbot for fan engagement.
AI chatbots have made a big change to the way fans have engaged with their team and their updates. The chatbots had been built in such a way that it can answer queries from fans like live score, previous records, match predictions, match schedule, ticket status, etc.
The sports industry has undergone a huge transformation with the presence of AI and will further change since the technology has been transitional in its own way and there's a long way to go for the industry.
The same match clipping can give plenty of information on a player, like how did the player perform? How did the player react to a particular position and situation? How the opponent team has advanced the players?. Keeping this information in mind the coaches can select players for the upcoming matches.
The sports industry has undergone a huge transformation with the presence of AI and will further change since the technology has been transitional in its own way
Scouting and Players recruitment:
Since either scouting or sports directors of a team cannot watch every match of their targeted players, it had been a challenge for the team to decide on a particular player whether the player will suit the style of the team and the charisma. The emergence of AI with a lot of data science in sports has made the process very easy to help identify and recruit players who suits their style of play. The AI data also help the team understand the emotional conditions / previous records of the players.
Match Predictions and Broadcasting:
Before the match starts, the experts can predict the outcome of the match by using AI-driven data of those teams competing for the day. The matches are predicted through the team’s previous performances and most of the predictions go correct these days in such a way that AI has transformed the sports industry within a few years.
The major shareholder of the sports industries is television and online broadcast which is the most critical component of sports revenue and also the primary mode of consumption of sports entertainment. Media houses should be quick enough to curate the video content of the matches to engage their viewers, if not they have to lose their position to someone else who might do earlier. AI is helping the media houses to become more efficient and productive by curating quick video contents to be upbeat in the industry.
AI and Fantasy Leagues.
After the emergence of AI in the sports industry, the fantasy leagues have swept the market like a storm and created its own space quickly. The fantasy league has become an integral part of every sports company and its fan life and has been generating huge revenue in the sports industry. According to Orbis research, in 2018, the global Fantasy sports market size was $13900 million USD, and it is expected to grow to reach $33200 million USD by 2025.
AI chatbot for fan engagement.
AI chatbots have made a big change to the way fans have engaged with their team and their updates. The chatbots had been built in such a way that it can answer queries from fans like live score, previous records, match predictions, match schedule, ticket status, etc.
The sports industry has undergone a huge transformation with the presence of AI and will further change since the technology has been transitional in its own way and there's a long way to go for the industry.