
Agriculture continues to play a significant role in India's GDP

Nandini Mukherjee, Special EditorIndia is renowned for its agricultural practices and methods. Indian agriculture was and is a pivotal contributor in the growing economy and withstands to be one of the major employers across the country. The segment reached a value of INR 49,997 billion in 2018 and the market value is further expected to reach INR 99,927 billion by 2024, exhibiting a CAGR of 11.8 percent during 2019-2024. The sector currently shows immense opportunities, with India presently being one of the world's largest agricultural producers by value. A number of transformations have taken place in this sector over the past few decades. These include - rising penetration of the organized sector, growth in contract farming,
agriculture becoming more mechanized, easy loan facilities, rise of exports, use of agrochemicals and high yielding seeds, and an increasing role of the private sector in processing, branding and marketing, and others.

Despite these advancements, the sector encounters various challenges related to funding, adverse climatic conditions, and uneven distribution, raising agricultural productivity per unit of land, reducing rural poverty through a socially inclusive strategy that comprises agriculture as well as non-farm employment and ensuring that agricultural growth responds to food security needs. Embracing these needs, agriculture consultants step in to the picture drive operational improvements; provide technical, commercial and financial advice and information to farming, agricultural and public sector staff. These consultants provide the farmers with the best solutions to help them grow better crops while maintaining the sanctity of their soil. They put their best foot forward in tackling these agricultural problems in order to pass on a better earth to the Gen Z.

In our current edition, we have featured a list of "10 Most Promising Agriculture Consultants" who are likely to contour the agriculture landscape in 2019. We also recommend you to read our cover story on Krushidhan Biotech, a Kolhapur-based company that is striving to bring equilibrium in the agricultural Industry.