• Learning And Development: Where Talents Meet Skilling Horizon
  • Learning And Development: Where Talents Meet Skilling Horizon

    Learning and Development is essential for growth. Industry experts' cumulative prediction suggests the future of Learning and Development in the country will be channeled through online portals. Presently, almost all the artificial-intelligence firms state they are planning to upgrade worker skills. The benefit is immense as the industry holds no place for average people. Only reskilling could be the solution to reach the top of the industry pyramid Learning and Development for a person is continuous and depends on the person's career evolution. Over personality development of the person is triggered by the Learning and Development consulting firms. Helping talents to rise by learning in a virtual environment, the consultancies are grouping an unmatched workforce. Gamification...


How Will The Consolidation Of Digital And Remote Learning Methods Deliver A Comprehensive Learning Experience?

Prof. Niraj Mankad, Assistant Dean (Programs) & Faculty (Strategy And Operations Area), Flame University, Pune

Integrated Learning: A 21st Century Method To Streamline School Education

Beas Dev Ralhan, Co-Founder & CEO, Next Education India

The Role Of AI & Deep Learning In Indian B-School Curriculum

Dr. Suresh Nagpal, Chairman, Krupanidhi School Of Management, Bangalore

Overcoming The Evolving Devops Skills Gap

Stephen Chin, Senior Director, Developer Relations, Jfrog

Average Is Dead, Re-Skill To Be Relevant

Karthik Kadampully, Founder & CEO, Aeon Learning

Corporate Training - Merits & Fallacies

Vishal Chhiber, VP - Human Resource, NTT

Trend Of On-Demand Skilled Workforce

Dheeraj Khattar, Founder, Mymobiforce