• Ecofav: Helping Clients Navigate Global Sustainability Challenges at the Operational Level
  • Ecofav: Helping Clients Navigate Global Sustainability Challenges at the Operational Level

    Nowadays, enterprises are under immense from regulators as well as from the society for greater transparency around the actions taken to integrate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors in the investment, decision making, and the way they operate. This trend can be witnessed throughout the industries, in the form of statements from leading investors like International Finance Corporation (IFC), U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), The World Bank Group, and initiatives like the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and Principal for Responsible Investment (PRI).


Trend Of On-Demand Skilled Workforce

Dheeraj Khattar, Founder, Mymobiforce

Average Is Dead, Re-Skill To Be Relevant

Karthik Kadampully, Founder & CEO, AEON Learning

Overcoming The Evolving Devops Skills Gap

Stephen Chin, Senior Director, Developer Relations, Jfrog

Sustainable Development - The Way For Future

Shabbhir Kanchwala, Senior VP, K Raheja Corp