Ramachandran V
Founder & Director
The notion of quality in business focuses on the savings and additional revenue that organizations can realize if they eliminate errors throughout their operations and produce products and services at the optimal level of quality desired by their customers. A quality system is not just a badge it is about bringing real and ongoing benefits to an organization. Business success may simply be the extent to which an organization can produce a higher quality product or service than the competitors are able to do at a competitive price. Businesses can stand out in the crowd by producing value added products and unimpeachable customer service. When quality is the key to a company's success, quality management systems allow organizations to keep up with and meet current quality levels, meet the consumer's requirement for quality, retain employees through competitive compensation programs, and keep up with the latest technology. Numerous consultants have built their careers around these topics, and quality issues in business have been responsible for the development of new organizations and even industries.
One such story is of Ramachandran V who established Suthejas Corporate Solutions with the aim of providing world class consulting, auditing and training services. Ramachandran’s core competencies revolve around Consultancy, Auditing, and Training. With a strong technical(both theoretical and practical) knowledge honed up by the Indian Institute of Science, he was quite successful in handling niche products in the area of computers and process control way back in the 1970s when the computer industry was nascent and development of hardcore technologies were indigenous. He was leading the production and quality assurance aspects of the digital products and process control systems in the 1980s in large electronic corporates such as ECIL, Hyderabad, Crompton Greaves, Keltron and Kirloskars. Once the ISO 9001 revolution started in the 1990’s, Ramachandran transformed himself to a system management specialist, getting qualified as a lead auditor for ISO 9001. He got successful in getting in the Kirloskar Electric’s electronics unit at Mysore certified for ISO 9001 one of the top ten companies certified in Karnataka. Besides, he was fortunate in pursuing the careers of both 3rd party auditing through a reputed certification body and the TQM career. These factors provided a solid background for him to step into the role of a consultant. “An offer from a Nigerian textile company for providing ISO 9001 consultancy in Lagos, Nigeria as an expatriate was a real booster. 5 years of international experience in handling a management system is totally a different domain (other than Electronics and computers) was the game changer. On my return from Nigeria in the year 2000, I had decided to be a freelance consultant in the area of management systems. I have not looked back after this, thanks to my various clients who supported me wholeheartedly,” enlightens Ramachandran.
"An Inspiring Tagline–Powered By Knowledge And Skills, Driven By Passion And Positivity, Provides The Company’s Perception"
How is Suthejas adding Value?
As a company, Suthejas endeavors to be a service provider of choice for implementing Management System Standards from concept to certification through an approach of creating trust, building teams and delivering sustainable results. To meet these criteria, the company tailors its processes and systems by combining expertise, experience, and skills. It provides values through addressing issues specific to the clients, coordinate with the various functions inside the organization, and add value through the introduction of new concepts for the long term benefits to the client. Moreover, it offers knowledge and skills through tailored training in specific topics as per the clients’ needs, and offers continuous offline learning and implements them to support the clients on state of the art subject. “We believe in valuing client relationships to make them comfortable within the boundaries of ethics and meeting their needs and expectations. We strive to go beyond the agreement with the clients to ensure value for their money,” he says.
What makes Suthejas stand out in the crowd is custom built consultancy; more interactive and embedded in the company culture and leadership, and its corporate solutions in Technical, Systems, and Management related issues, specifically in the areas of Performance Management, Consulting, project management, engineering, facilitation, and coaching.
The company assures the clients to have the following deliverables as a result of the consultancy assignment
•Integration of business management with systems management through strategic deployment with a comprehensive review and control systems
•Inclusion of strategic, business, and operational risks and their management in the periodical business reviews
•Integration of strategic, process and business objectives
•A comprehensive and robust information
system in the form of digital and dynamic dashboards, for performance measurement of system product/service and process parameters through cloud based modules with user friendly interfaces and linked to the existing ERP’s if any
Growth over the Years
Since its inception in June 2000, Suthejas has come a long way and has carved a niche for itself as a renowned ISO consultancy firm. It has been a one-man army operation catering knowledge, experience, and skills. “We support clients adequately to sustain the implemented systems by themselves through the use of templates, checklists, customized SOP’s, hand held system orientation, and changes when systems get changed. We primarily cater our consultancy services to domains mechanical, electrical & electronics, information technology, data/IP telecom services, textiles and apparels, process plants, infrastructure and facility management, educational institutions, medicals, HR, plastics, and rubber,”he informs. Geographically, the company has a presence at the pan India level and it has served 60 + clients.
Bringing in a new approach to client issues, Ramachandran mentions that his focus is certainly not on competing in the overcrowded market but on a handful of companies who are on the lookout for solutions to specific problems. He asserts, “My unique academics, rich industrial experience, depth and width of consultancy assignments, focused insights into the processes in third party auditing & internal auditing would be the game changer. I am embarking on a venture to share my knowledge with a larger professional circle. As a platform for all communications, I propose to utilize verbal, written (one on one), personal visits, the audio visual and the social media and long term prints. Tweaking in standard solutions specific to individual problems would be the highlight of this approach.”
Milestones Achieved:
•1992-Qualified as Lead Auditor for QMS by M/s. Batalas, UK
•1993-Inducted as a 3rd Party QMS Auditor by BVQI, India
•1995-2000-International Experience in Textile Companies in Nigeria as a Consultant for QMS implementation
•2000-Formed "Suthejas Corporate Solutions" as an organization for Consultancy, Auditing, and Training
•2001-Company was identified as a resource Consultant for IEEMA (Indian Electrical & Electronic Manufacturers Association)
•2002-Identified as a resource Trainer for the 4-week International training program conducted by the Centre for Import from developing countries (CBI), Netherlands, for providing consultancy to Indian companies on CE Marking
•2003 to 2006-Carried out ISO 9001 external certification and surveillance Audits as a Resource Provider to a reputed certification body
•2005-Qualified as a Consultant and Lead Auditor for ISO 27000-Information Security Management Standards(ISMS)
•2006-Obtained the first Consultancy assignment for implementation in a Telecom company
•2007-Obtained the first Consultancy assignment for implementation in a Facility Management company and an Educational Institution
•2007-Obtained the first Consultancy assignment for implementation of an Integrated EMS and OHSAS standards and Internal Auditing of IMS consisting of 4 Standards-QMS,EMS,OHSAS, and SA 8000
•2008-Obtained the first assignment for Internal Auditing against ISO 27001-ISMS Standards and QMS in an IT company
•2009-Obtained the first Consultancy assignment for implementation in a Recruitment company
•2010-Obtained the first Consultancy assignment for Supplier assessment for a US company
•2010-Obtained the first Consultancy assignment for a comprehensive Internal Auditing of 64 functions in a single organization
•2011-Completed 10,000 hours of consultancy. (As Malcolm Gladwell discussed in his bestseller, “Outliers“, to become an expert it takes 10000 hours (or approximately 10 years) of deliberate practice. Gladwell explains that reaching the 10,000-Hour Rule, which he considers the key to success in any field, is simply a matter of practicing a specific task that can be accomplished with 20 hours of work a week for 10 years.)
•2011-Launched the website www.suthejas solutions.com for providing improved services to clients
•2012-Obtained the first consultancy assignment for certification to an Integrated Management Systems (IMS)integrating QMS, EMS, and OHSAS, using PAS 99
•2016-Completed the IRCA certified ISO 9001:2015 Auditor transition training course
•2016-Completed the first Consultancy assignment for implementation of ISO 9001:2015 standards
•2016-Underwent an awareness program on IATF- 16949:2016 standards
•2017-Completed the first consultancy assignment for certification to an Integrated Management Systems (IMS) integrating QMS, EMS, with the upgraded standards released in 2015 and OHSAS
•2018-Year of upgradation to ISO 9001:2015 standards for the rest of the clients
Strengths In Consultancy And Auditing
•Consultancy in respect of Quality Management System, Environment Management System, Health and Safety Management System, Information Security Management System, Aerospace Management System, etc.
•Specialized in performing the Corporate Roles of a “solutions-provider” for system related issues specific to clients.
•My unique academics, rich industrial experience, depth and width of consultancy assignments, focused insights into the processes in third-party auditing & internal auditing would be the game changer.
•Interacting with corporate groups, integrate with the employees, and work with them to achieve long-term sustainable changes with creative ideas even for routine process issues
•Consulting, project management, engineering, facilitation, and coaching face to face with Individuals and teams, coaching face to face with individuals and teams
•Clients are provided supports adequately to sustain the implemented systems by themselves through the use of templates, checklists, customized SOP’s, hand-held system orientation, and changes when systems get changed.
•Owns the website www.suthejassolutions.com for providing improved services to clients
Training on any topic specific to the Integrated Management System, in respect of Quality Management System, Environment Management System, Health and Safety Management System, Information Security Management System, Aerospace Management System, etc.
•A few of the topics could be
Specific To Integrated Management System
•Hard and soft of legalities in QMS,EMS, and Health & Safety
•Comprehensive monitoring and measurement systems
•Specifics in hazards and risks in personnel safety
•Specifics in environment planning and awareness
•Specifics in information security management
Business Related
•Automating system documents and records-an easy life
•To achieve higher productivity and zero non-compliance
•Focussing on Customer, the driving force
•Standards, Specifications, and Systems, to enhance product competitiveness
•Integration of business management to systems
Specific To Processes
•Quality-core or support function
•An effective system of outsourcing controls
•Process management and improvements
Specific To Systems Management
•An effective Management Representative To enhance system effectiveness leading to process improvements
•Effective Management reviews To enhance participation by top management
•Skills in framing policies and objectives
•Internal auditors training in QMS
Specific To Skills
•Skills in Internal audits
•Skills in risk management To adequately address business risks
•Enhancing skills and competencies of personnel
•Root causes and corrective actions
•A Quad chain-Nonconformity, analysis, corrective actions, and continual improvement
Growth over the Years
Since its inception in June 2000, Suthejas has come a long way and has carved a niche for itself as a renowned ISO consultancy firm. It has been a one-man army operation catering knowledge, experience, and skills. “We support clients adequately to sustain the implemented systems by themselves through the use of templates, checklists, customized SOP’s, hand held system orientation, and changes when systems get changed. We primarily cater our consultancy services to domains mechanical, electrical & electronics, information technology, data/IP telecom services, textiles and apparels, process plants, infrastructure and facility management, educational institutions, medicals, HR, plastics, and rubber,”he informs. Geographically, the company has a presence at the pan India level and it has served 60 + clients.
Geographically, The Company Has A Presence At The Pan India Level And It Has Served 60+ Clients
Bringing in a new approach to client issues, Ramachandran mentions that his focus is certainly not on competing in the overcrowded market but on a handful of companies who are on the lookout for solutions to specific problems. He asserts, “My unique academics, rich industrial experience, depth and width of consultancy assignments, focused insights into the processes in third party auditing & internal auditing would be the game changer. I am embarking on a venture to share my knowledge with a larger professional circle. As a platform for all communications, I propose to utilize verbal, written (one on one), personal visits, the audio visual and the social media and long term prints. Tweaking in standard solutions specific to individual problems would be the highlight of this approach.”
Milestones Achieved:
•1992-Qualified as Lead Auditor for QMS by M/s. Batalas, UK
•1993-Inducted as a 3rd Party QMS Auditor by BVQI, India
•1995-2000-International Experience in Textile Companies in Nigeria as a Consultant for QMS implementation
•2000-Formed "Suthejas Corporate Solutions" as an organization for Consultancy, Auditing, and Training
•2001-Company was identified as a resource Consultant for IEEMA (Indian Electrical & Electronic Manufacturers Association)
•2002-Identified as a resource Trainer for the 4-week International training program conducted by the Centre for Import from developing countries (CBI), Netherlands, for providing consultancy to Indian companies on CE Marking
•2003 to 2006-Carried out ISO 9001 external certification and surveillance Audits as a Resource Provider to a reputed certification body
•2005-Qualified as a Consultant and Lead Auditor for ISO 27000-Information Security Management Standards(ISMS)
•2006-Obtained the first Consultancy assignment for implementation in a Telecom company
•2007-Obtained the first Consultancy assignment for implementation in a Facility Management company and an Educational Institution
•2007-Obtained the first Consultancy assignment for implementation of an Integrated EMS and OHSAS standards and Internal Auditing of IMS consisting of 4 Standards-QMS,EMS,OHSAS, and SA 8000
•2008-Obtained the first assignment for Internal Auditing against ISO 27001-ISMS Standards and QMS in an IT company
•2009-Obtained the first Consultancy assignment for implementation in a Recruitment company
•2010-Obtained the first Consultancy assignment for Supplier assessment for a US company
•2010-Obtained the first Consultancy assignment for a comprehensive Internal Auditing of 64 functions in a single organization
•2011-Completed 10,000 hours of consultancy. (As Malcolm Gladwell discussed in his bestseller, “Outliers“, to become an expert it takes 10000 hours (or approximately 10 years) of deliberate practice. Gladwell explains that reaching the 10,000-Hour Rule, which he considers the key to success in any field, is simply a matter of practicing a specific task that can be accomplished with 20 hours of work a week for 10 years.)
•2011-Launched the website www.suthejas solutions.com for providing improved services to clients
•2012-Obtained the first consultancy assignment for certification to an Integrated Management Systems (IMS)integrating QMS, EMS, and OHSAS, using PAS 99
•2016-Completed the IRCA certified ISO 9001:2015 Auditor transition training course
•2016-Completed the first Consultancy assignment for implementation of ISO 9001:2015 standards
•2016-Underwent an awareness program on IATF- 16949:2016 standards
•2017-Completed the first consultancy assignment for certification to an Integrated Management Systems (IMS) integrating QMS, EMS, with the upgraded standards released in 2015 and OHSAS
•2018-Year of upgradation to ISO 9001:2015 standards for the rest of the clients
Strengths In Consultancy And Auditing
•Consultancy in respect of Quality Management System, Environment Management System, Health and Safety Management System, Information Security Management System, Aerospace Management System, etc.
•Specialized in performing the Corporate Roles of a “solutions-provider” for system related issues specific to clients.
•My unique academics, rich industrial experience, depth and width of consultancy assignments, focused insights into the processes in third-party auditing & internal auditing would be the game changer.
•Interacting with corporate groups, integrate with the employees, and work with them to achieve long-term sustainable changes with creative ideas even for routine process issues
•Consulting, project management, engineering, facilitation, and coaching face to face with Individuals and teams, coaching face to face with individuals and teams
•Clients are provided supports adequately to sustain the implemented systems by themselves through the use of templates, checklists, customized SOP’s, hand-held system orientation, and changes when systems get changed.
•Owns the website www.suthejassolutions.com for providing improved services to clients
Training on any topic specific to the Integrated Management System, in respect of Quality Management System, Environment Management System, Health and Safety Management System, Information Security Management System, Aerospace Management System, etc.
•A few of the topics could be
Specific To Integrated Management System
•Hard and soft of legalities in QMS,EMS, and Health & Safety
•Comprehensive monitoring and measurement systems
•Specifics in hazards and risks in personnel safety
•Specifics in environment planning and awareness
•Specifics in information security management
Business Related
•Automating system documents and records-an easy life
•To achieve higher productivity and zero non-compliance
•Focussing on Customer, the driving force
•Standards, Specifications, and Systems, to enhance product competitiveness
•Integration of business management to systems
Specific To Processes
•Quality-core or support function
•An effective system of outsourcing controls
•Process management and improvements
Specific To Systems Management
•An effective Management Representative To enhance system effectiveness leading to process improvements
•Effective Management reviews To enhance participation by top management
•Skills in framing policies and objectives
•Internal auditors training in QMS
Specific To Skills
•Skills in Internal audits
•Skills in risk management To adequately address business risks
•Enhancing skills and competencies of personnel
•Root causes and corrective actions
•A Quad chain-Nonconformity, analysis, corrective actions, and continual improvement