• SAFETYCATCH: Raising the standards of Occupational Health, Safety & Environmental literacy levels
  • SAFETYCATCH: Raising the standards of Occupational Health, Safety & Environmental literacy levels

    The foundation of Kerala-based SafetyCatch was brought about in the year 2010 with a vision to help humanity thrive by reducing accidents and ill health due to work. The founder, Anil Gopinath served in the Indian Air Force’s Airfield Safety Operations for over 18 years. He was also on deputation with the United Nation’s Mission in Congo where he worked with the Emergency Crash and Rescue operations team. During the UN tenure, he could attend few on job training and got hands on to International standards like the OSHA & NFPA. He thought with such higher standards be applied / promoted to Indian population, the youth would stand good chance of getting employable in foreign / Indian companies where there are lot of opportunities for safety professionals. Also, by promoting and...


How Can The Current Status Of Farming Be Enhanced?

Dr Malini Saba, Founder & Chairman, Saba Industries & Saba Family Foundations

How IoT Can Improve India's agricultural Production & Food Security

Rishi Mohan Bhatnagar, President, Aeris Communications

Collaborative Bots - COBOTs


Bio-Agriculture (BIOAG) In India

Dhananjay Edakhe, CEO, Plantbioti

The Future of Diagnostics in India

Dr. Sushil Shah, Chairman & Founder, Metropolis Healthcare

Water, Life & Health - Overcoming The Challenge Of Global Water Requirement

Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari, Chairman & Managing Director, VBRI Group